Clickable Strategies List for Detecting Bullshit

This is the clickable To-Do list companion for the Actionable Strategies for Detecting Bullshit article.

Clickable Strategies List for Detecting Bullshit
Handy To-Do List

If you have read the Actionable Strategies for Detecting Bullshit post and wanted an interactive version of the list, here it is. To refer to the long-form post, click here.

Clickable To-Do List

Fact-checking sources

  • Verify the Author's Credentials
  • Author Evaluation: Background, Qualifications, and Subject Matter Expertise
  • Author's Affiliations: Reputable

  • Cross-Reference Information
  • Multiple Sources: Confirm with multiple sources
  • Fact-checking Websites: Use for verification

  • Evaluate the Publication
  • Publication Evaluation: Assess funding affiliations

  • Check Dates and Updates
  • Current Information: Ensure up-to-date
  • Correction Updates: Look for corrections

Evaluating evidence

  • Assess the Quality of Evidence
  • Source Type: Primary sources reliable
  • Methodology: Rigorous methods used

  • Look for Corroborating Evidence
  • Other Sources: Support from credible sources
  • Single Evidence: Avoid relying solely

  • Examine the Data
  • Data Analysis: Clear, transparent data
  • Cherry-picked Data: Avoid cherry-picking

  • Question the Interpretation
  • Logical Conclusions: Evaluate interpretation
  • Alternative Interpretations: Consider other conclusions

Identifying Logical Fallacies

  • Learn Common Logical Fallacies
  • Ad Hominem: Attacking character
  • Straw Man: Misrepresenting argument
  • False Dilemmas: Only two options
  • Circular Reasoning: Assumed conclusion

  • Analyze Arguments Critically
  • Arguments Breakdown: Identify premises, conclusions
  • Logical Consistency: Conclusion follows premises

  • Watch for Emotional Appeals
  • Emotional Manipulation: Beware emotional appeals
  • Evaluating Appeals: Ensure logic, evidence

  • Recognize Red Herrings
  • Identify Diversions: Irrelevant information
  • Stay Focused: Core argument, evidence

  • Fallacy Identification
  • Ad Hominem Attack: Labeling flip-flopper
  • Response: Focus on policies
  • False Dilemma: Only Two Sides
  • Response: Explore nuances
  • Red Herring: Divert Attention
  • Response: Policy implications

Looking for bias

  • Identify Potential Biases
  • Author, Publication: Consider biases
  • Conflicts of Interest: Identify affiliations

  • Analyze Language and Tone
  • Language Evaluation: Loaded terms
  • Objective Tone: Balanced tone

  • Check for Balance
  • Multiple Perspectives: Fair representation
  • Selective Reporting: Omission of viewpoints

  • Skeptical of Simplistic Explanations
  • Complex Issues: Beware simplifications
  • Nuanced Analyses: Comprehensive perspectives

To visit the Actionable Strategies for Detecting Bullshit article, click here.